Prescott Hillclimb is one of the nicest motorsport venues in the country. Everything about it -the location, the drivers, the officials and so forth- is just so ... well, nice! On the occasion of the IAMC visit for their last meeting of the year the weather was
Prescott has changed very little over its many years, but all of its changes have been improvements. This situation has left it in a pretty unique position, something of the best of both worlds between the past and the present. When there was a call earlier this year for us to attend events encompassing some action, this made it seem like the ideal venue to choose.
Given that this is a most traditionally British motorsport experience, it may be surprising to learn that this Autumn Classic meeting has latterly become an American-themed weekend, but what a success this inspired idea has been. As well as a variety of competitors driving cars from 1909 to 2009 there are many less-usual parts to the programme: Lots of American cars (from standard to hot rods via steamers), motorcycles, music, cavalcades, demonstrations, food, dancing and even a Wall Of Death, all seemlessly fitted around a traditional hillclimb for a wide range of road and racing cars.
The organisers, the Bugatti Owners Club, had kindly allocated a space to allow IAMC members and friends to park together and we were rewarded with an interesting selection encompassing Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Lamborghini, Lancia and Maserati. Some of us also chose to take part in a cavalcade up the hill, which enabled us to see for ourselves just how demanding a course it is.
There were some Italian cars competing over the weekend (a Dallara made Fastest Time of Day on Saturday) and the car park also turned up some interesting examples too. We all had a thoroughly enjojable day and plan to be back next year - don't miss it!